Photo Credit: Beth Kanter/Flickr

Photo Credit: Beth Kanter/Flickr

As mentioned earlier, one potential way that businesses can “get their name out” online is by utilizing web ads. Whether it’s Google Ads or ads based around another search engine, it’s clear that for some businesses, online advertising yields considerable gains.

The same cannot be said for Facebook, whose ad service has been the subject of continued scrutiny by business owners who feel that it is not a worthwhile investment. In response, Facebook announced a series of marketing training sessions called Facebook Fit that are designed to convince small businesses across the nation to purchase more ads.

The question of whether or not this endeavor will be successful is up for debate. While Facebook reports that there are over 30 million small businesses that have pages on their social network, the result is that Facebook pages no longer have the same level of reach that they once possessed. As Time reports, “[Facebook] admitted in December that posts from Pages are reaching fewer users.”

Facebook’s director of small business, Dan Levy, acknowledged that it was an understandable concern but a consequence of Facebook’s popularity. “The natural extension of Facebook becoming popular and people having more friends and liking more Pages is there’s just more and more stories to choose from every day. We have to choose which ones are going to keep them engaged on Facebook,” Levy said.

While the true reach of Facebook Ads is debatable, what’s not debatable is that all businesses hope to bring in higher profits. Whether it’s a matter of investing in new software to help your business run more effectively or investing in ads for a seasonal promotion, Capital Solutions Inc. will help your business succeed. For more information on any of the financing options offered by Capital Solutions, Inc., call 1-800-901-3299 or click on the Contact Us tab and fill out the necessary information.